Hi there fiddlers.
If you’re interested in learning fiddle with me, I have a video teaching resource via Patreon with well over 110 videos and accompanying notation transcriptions, please check out the information on this page, I’ve included a few free lessons here, I hope you’ll join me for regular lessons at PATREON.
Hi there!
I'm George Jackson, an oldtime and bluegrass fiddler originally from New Zealand and now based out of Nashville, TN.
I'm creating a project called The Old Time 💯 at the moment with my friend Tristan Scroggins that features 100 recordings of some of the most popular oldtime fiddle tunes with some world class players. I'll be releasing 5 new tracks a month for this project and supplementing those with video tutorials and live performance videos from the recording sessions. All the recordings will be available on the $5 tier and tutorials/ videos will be available on the $20 tier.
I love teaching fiddle and by joining up to my Patreon at the $20 tier you'll gain access to my full back catalogue of over 110 video lessons, transcriptions and posts. At the $10 tier you'll gain access to over 30 of these lessons Including the complete beginners series and some other exclusive lessons. I'm continuing to produce new fiddle lessons monthly and to make personalized content for those who want to really dig into specific questions with me at the $100 tier.
Lessons are pre-recorded videos that will cover techniques for oldtime and bluegrass fiddle, and tunes to learn that will be slowed down and explained for you. Patron only updates will include discounts on physical and digital music purchases, music that I'm writing and recording before anyone else hears it, some high quality video productions made just for Patreon subscribers and access to new recording projects well before they're widely available to the public.
I hope you'll join my community here and I look forward to working with you.